Numerical MHD Modeling of Laboratory Simulations of Astrophysical Jet Collimation
Numerical Model of a Spacecraft Shielding against High-Energy Particles
Numerical Modeling and Analysis of Space-Based Electric Antennas via Plasma Particle Simulation
Numerical Modeling of Radiation-Dominated and QED-Strong Regimes of Laser-Plasma Interaction
Numerical modeling of the halo electrons in the fast solar wind
Numerical Modeling of the Heliosphere Using Interplanetary Scintillation Data as Boundary Conditions
Numerical simulation and analytical description of solar neutron transport in the Earth's atmosphere
Numerical simulation of Alfvénic turbulence in the solar wind
Numerical simulation of asymmetric particle precipitation by pitch angle diffusion
Numerical simulation of copper ablation by ultrashort laser pulses
Numerical Simulation of Current Sheet Formation in a Quasi-Separatrix Layer using Adaptive Mesh Refinement
Numerical simulation of electron distributions upstream and downstream of high Mach number quasi-perpendicular collisionless shocks
Numerical simulation of laminar plasma dynamos in a cylindrical von Kármán flow
Numerical simulation of magnetic reconnection associated with emerging flux in the solar atmosphere
Numerical simulation of plasma transport driven by the Io torus
Numerical simulation of surface waves in a stratified magnetoplasma using a Plasma Fluid Finite Difference Time Domain Simulation (PF-FDTD)
Numerical Simulation of the Lower-Hybrid Drift Instability: Consequences for the Venus Mantle
Numerical simulation of the solar wind disturbances propagating to the distant heliosphere
Numerical simulation of VLF risers, fallers, and hooks observed in Antarctica
Numerical simulation of waves driven by plasma currents generated by low-frequency Alfvén waves in a multi-ion plasma