Dynamic theory of relativistic electrons stochastic heating by whistler mode waves with application to the Earth magnetosphere
Dynamic transport regulation by zonal flow-like structures in the TJ-II stellarator
Dynamic trapping of electrons in the porcupine ionospheric ion beam experiment
Dynamical Alignment in Three Species Tokamak Edge Turbulence
Dynamical analysis of the nonlinear growth of the m=n=1 resistive internal mode
Dynamical auroral morphology in relation to ionospheric plasma convection and geomagnetic activity: Signatures of magnetopause X line dynamics and flux transfer events
Dynamical consequences of two modes of centrifugal instability in Jupiter's outer magnetosphere
Dynamical constraints from field line topology in magnetic flux tubes
Dynamical correlations and collective excitations of Yukawa liquids
Dynamical Ionic Clusters with Flowing Electron Bubbles from Warm to Hot Dense Iron along the Hugoniot Curve
Dynamical Magnetic Relaxation
Dynamical Properties and Plasmon Dispersion of a Weakly Degenerate Correlated One-Component Plasma
Dynamical Schwinger effect and high-intensity lasers. Realising nonperturbative QED
Dynamical shock: Theory and observations (Invited)
Dynamical Systems' approach to relativistic nonlinear wave-particle interaction in weakly collisional plasmas
Dynamics and control of the expansion of finite-size plasmas produced in ultraintense laser-matter interactions
Dynamics and dissipation in magnetically-dominated astrophysical outflows
Dynamics and seasonal variations in Saturn's magnetospheric plasma sheet, as measured by Cassini
Dynamics and waves near multiple magnetic null points in reconnection diffusion region
Dynamics of a 1-D model for the emergence of the plasma edge shear flow layer with momentum conserving Reynolds stress