Satellite borne laser for adaptive optics reference
Satellite feature reconstruction using reflective tomography: field results
Satellite finds sky ripe for ultraviolet research.
Satellite observation of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) variability in the wake of hurricanes and typhoons
Satellite observations of flood-driven Mississippi River plume in the spring of 2008
Satellite remote sensing adaptive optic system phase characteristic measurement
Satellite retrievals of (quasi-)spherical particles at cold temperatures
Saturable Absorber, Coherent Population Oscillations, and "Slow Light"
Saturable absorption and 'slow light'
Saturable absorption or slow light?
Saturated-absorption cavity ring-down spectroscopy
Saturation of the Raman amplification by self-phase modulation in silicon nanowaveguides
Saturation spectroscopy and resonant degenerate four-wave mixing in Hg at 546.1 nm
Saturation Spectroscopy of Iodine in Hollow-core Optical Fibre
Saturn's ring-plane crossings in August and November 1995: Evidence for a moonlet belt?
Saturn's ring-plane crossings in August and November 1995: evidence for a moonlet belt?
Saturn's Ring-Plane Crossings of August and November 1995: A Model for the New F-Ring Objects
SAXO, the eXtreme Adaptive Optics System of SPHERE: overview and calibration procedure
SBC Flates: Prism P-Flats and Imaging L-Flats
SBS reflectivity and waveform in fiber phase conjugation