Second-order focusing conditions for ruled concave gratings.
Second-order imaging properties of circular field spectrographs
Second-order nonlinear mixing in planar photonic crystal microcavities
Second-Order Nonlinear Mixing of Two Modes in a Planar Photonic Crystal Microcavity
Second-order optical effects in organometallic nanocomposites induced by an acoustic field
Second-order UV contamination in astronomical spectra
Secondary emission from synthetic opal infiltrated by colloidal gold and glycine
Secondary mirror chopping system for large infrared telescope
Secondary mirror system for the European Solar Telescope (EST)
Sectional active mirrors for telescopes
Secure optical communication system utilizing deformable MEMS mirrors
SEDHI: development status of the Pléiades detection electronics
Sediment resuspension in the wakes of Hurricanes Edouard and Hortense
SEEDS: Target Selection for Open Clusters and Moving Groups
Seeing a Stellar Explosion in 3D
Seeing and the design and location of a 15 meter telescope
Seeing at Mauna Kea - A joint UH-UN-NOAO-CFHT study
Seeing calibration of optical astronomical speckle interferometric data
Seeing clearly through the atmosphere.
Seeing Improvement with Ground-Layer Adaptive Optics