Perfect transmission and highly asymmetric light localization in photonic multilayers
Performance analysis and comparison of ICCD and CCD types of Hartmann-Shack wavefront sensor operated with faint object.
Performance analysis and preliminary experimental verification of a coherent optical receiver for PPM signals in the presence of atmospheric turbulence
Performance analysis of a Shack-Hartman wavefront sensor with variable subaperture pixels
Performance analysis of adaptive-optics systems using laser guide stars and slope sensors
Performance analysis of grazing incidence imaging systems
Performance analysis of Mach-Zehnder interferometer for detection of wavefront discontinuities
Performance analysis of multi-object wave-front sensing concepts for GLAO
Performance analysis of polychromatic laser guide stars used for wavefront tilt sensing
Performance analysis of the developmental cryogenic active telescope testbed (DCATT)
Performance analysis of the segment alignment control system for the ten-meter telescope
Performance analysis of the self-referenced speckle-holography image-reconstruction technique
Performance analysis, simulation, and experimental results of low-order adaptive optics systems in conjunction with speckle post-processing
Performance and calibration of the x-ray CCD camera of the MAXI experiment on the ISS/JEM
Performance and complexity comparison aspheric and spherical primary telescopes
Performance and error budget of a GLAO system
Performance and improvement of active optics at the Very Large Telescope
Performance and results of the COME-ON+ adaptive optics system at the ESO 3.6-m telescope
Performance and results of the NAOS visible wavefront sensor
Performance and test results of a 61-element adaptive optics system on the 1.2-m telescope of Yunnan Observatory