PASS - a Permanent All Sky Survey for the detection of transits
PASS-2: photometry of the polychromatic laser guide star
Passage of a Bessel beam through a classically forbidden region
Passage of x-rays through a single monocapillary
Passion for Astronomy
Passive detection of moving targets
Passive harmonic mode-locking by mode selection in Fabry-Perot diode lasers with patterned effective index
Passive imaging through the turbulent atmosphere - Fundamental limits on the spatial frequency resolution of a rotational shearing interferometer
Passive Temperature-Compensating Technique for Microstructured Fiber Bragg Gratings
Passively mode locked Raman laser
Passively mode-locked diode-pumped Nd:YVO4 oscillator operating at ultra-low repetition rate
Passively Q-switched diode-pumped Cr4+:YAG/Nd3+:GdVO4 monolithic microchip laser
Path Integrals for Photonic Crystals
Path length errors of VLBI antennas
Payload qualification and optical performance test results for the MightySat II.1 hyperspectral imager
PBD on a 3.63m telescope with adaptive optics: first images of the astrometric conponent in Iota Cas
PBG properties of three-component 2D photonic crystals
Peak intensity measurement of relativistic lasers via nonlinear Thomson scattering
Peculiar Velocities or Systematic Errors ?
Pegase: A Free Flying Interferometer for the Spectroscopy of Giant Exo-Planets