Parallaxes, Proper Motions and Low-mass Companion Detection Limits for Proxima Centauri and Barnard's Star
Parallel heterodyne detection of dynamic light scattering spectra from gold nanoparticles diffusing in viscous fluids
Parallel perturbation gradient descent algorithm for adaptive wavefront correction [3126-27]
Parallel robots in a ground-based telescope active optics system: theory and experiments
Parallel scheme of the iterative blind deconvolution method for stellar object reconstruction
Parallel simulation tools for AO on ELTs
Parallelization of exoplanets detection algorithms based on field rotation; example of the MOODS algorithm for SPHERE
Parallelized simulation code for multiconjugate adaptive optics
Parameter determination for a two-layer model of a planetary atmosphere from absorption-band observations
Parameter estimation of multiple biomagnetic current dipoles using simulated annealing
Parameterizing Quasiperiodicity: Generalized Poisson Summation and Its Application to Modified-Fibonacci Antenna Arrays
Parametric amplification of random lattice soliton swinging
Parametric Frequency Conversion of Short Optical Pulses Controlled by a CW Background
Parametric modeling of space telescope architectures
Parametric Processes in a Strong-Coupling Planar Microcavity
Parametric study of shaped Cassegrain antennas
Parametric wave interaction in quadratic crystal with randomized distribution of ferroelectric domains
Parametric x-ray radiation and coherent bremsstrahlung from nonrelativistic electrons in crystals
PARAS program: Phased array radio astronomy from space
Paraxial and nonparaxial polynomial beams and the analytic approach to propagation