p+-InAsSbP/n-InAs photodiodes for IR optoelectronic sensors
PACT: the actuator to support the primary mirror of the ELT
Pade approximates used for the inversion of the Poisson transform
Paired cut-wire arrays for enhanced transmission of transverse-electric fields through sub-wavelength slits in a thin metallic screen
PALM-3000: visible light AO on the 5.1-meter Telescope
Palomar adaptive optics project: status and performance
Palomar and Table Mountain observations of 9P/Tempel 1 during the Deep Impact encounter: First results
Palomar AO observations during the Deep Impact encounter.
Palomar AO Observations During the Uranian Equinox
Palomar Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics Observations of Globular Cluster GLIMPSE-C01
PAMELA - High density segmentation for large, ultra-light, high-performance mirrors
PAMELA: progress report on a 0.5-m-diam telescope with a 36-segment adaptive primary mirror
Panchromatic spectrograph with supporting monochromatic imagers
Panoramic imaging mass-spectrometer for planetary studies
Panoramic sky monitor (PANSKY)
Parabolic liquid mirrors in optical shop testing
Parabolic telescope and spectrometer combination
Parabolic-Dish Solar Concentrators of Film on Foam
Paraboloidal X-ray telescope mirror for solar coronal spectroscopy
Parallax and atmospheric scattering effects on the inversion of satellite auroral observations