Large lightweight segmented mirrors for adaptive optics
Large Millimeter Telescope project: overview and optical design
Large negative lateral shifts due to negative refraction
Large nonlinear Kerr effect in graphene
Large optical glass blanks for astronomy
Large Optical Nonlinearity of Semiconducting Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes under Resonant Excitations
Large optical photon sieve
Large optics from silicon carbide
Large optics technology
Large sky area multi-object fiber spectroscopic telescope (LAMOST).
Large space optical system active vibration suppression
Large Space Telescope
Large Space Telescopes Using Fresnel Lens For Power Beaming, Astronomy and Sail Missions
Large Telescope Alignment Using Wavefront Curvature Sensing
Large Telescope O-IR Astronomy from the Ground
Large telescope project dedicated to an origins survey
Large telescopes and the art of bridge building
Large telescopes of the world
Large thin adaptive x-ray mirrors
Large tunable photonic band gaps in nanostructured doped semiconductors