Interpretation of out-of-focus star images in terms of wave-front curvature.
Interpretation of photometric observations of Jupiter
Interpretation of Radar Data from the Icy Galilean Satellites and Triton
Interpretation of the microlensing event in QSO 2237 + 0305
Interpretation of vector magnetograph data including magneto-optic effects. I - Azimuth angle of the transverse field
Interpretation of Venera-8 optical measurements
Interpretation of Venera-8 optical measurements
Interpretation of weak absorption lines in the spectrum of Venus
Interpretation of weak absorption lines in the spectrum of Venus
Interpreting photometry of regolith-like surfaces with different topographies: shadowing and multiple scattering
Interrelation of changes in the total content of ozone in the northern hemisphere with the velocity of the stratosphere circumpolar vortex
Interrogation laser for a strontium lattice clock
Interrogation of a fiber Fabry-Perot sensor by current modulation of a diode laser
Intersatellite communication laser beam steering and spoiling methods
Interstellar beryllium
Interstellar TI II Absorption Toward the Magellanic Clouds
Into the Epoch of Galaxy Formation
Intra-connected three-dimensionally isotropic bulk negative index photonic metamaterial
Intramolecular fluorescence correlation spectroscopy in a feedback tracking microscope
Intrinsic Wavelength Shifts in Stellar Spectra