Galilean telescope arrays in infrared region using substrate-mode holograms
Galileo Avionica's Technologies and Instruments for Planetary Exploration
Galileo Italian National Telescope and its instrumentation
Galileo Net Flux Radiometer experiment
Galileo Optical Experiment (GOPEX) optical train: Design and validation at the Table Mountain Facility
Galileo's lunar landscapes
Galileo's telescope: history, scientific analysis, and replicated observations
Gallium Liquid Mirrors: Basic Technology, Optical-Shop Tests, and Observations
Gallium nanoparticles grow where light is
Gallium Phosphide Photonic Crystal Nanocavities in the Visible
Gallium transformation under femtosecond laser excitation: Phase coexistence and incomplete melting
GAME: Gamma Astrometric Measurement Experiment
GAMMA -- A New High-speed Microdensitometer Built on a PDS Substrate
Gamma Air Watch (gaw) - AN Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope Large with Large Field of View
Gamma Astrometric Measurement Experiment (GAME) - Implementation and performance
Gamma cameras with SDDs coupled to scintillators
Gamma-ray detectors for breast imaging
Gamma-ray focusing telescope based on high reflective Ge and Si mosaic crystals
Gamma-ray imaging in Fourier space