Grens for a Ritchey-Chretien (R-C) telescope
GRI: focusing on the evolving violent universe
GriF: an infrared 3D spectroscopic mode for KIR/PUEO
GriF: The New Three-dimensional Spectroscopic Mode of PUEO, the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Adaptive Optics Bonnette: First Observations in the Fabry-Pérot Scanning Mode
Grism and immersion grating for space telescope
Grisms For FORCAST - A New Medium Resolution 5-40 Micron Spectroscopic Mode On SOFIA - Performance Testing
GRIST: A study of a grazing incidence solar telescope. Volume 2: Technical report
Ground and space applications of TAOS (toolkit for analysis of optical systems)
Ground based instrument for observing near IR nightglow inhomogeneities at zenith and throughout the sky
Ground based laser atmospheric propagation analysis - The Omega code
Ground illumination from a turbid cloudless sky
Ground Layer Adaptive Optics
Ground layer adaptive optics: analysis of the wavefront sensing issue
Ground layer AO correction for the VLT MUSE project
Ground observation of the O2/0-1/ atmospheric band at 8645 A and the /OI/ 5577-A line
Ground return recognition at airborne CW Doppler LIDAR measurements
Ground system development for the ETS-VI/LCE laser communications experiment
Ground-Based Adaptive Optic Transfer Mirrors For Space Applications: I. Design and Materials
Ground-Based Adaptive Optic Transfer Mirrors For Space Applications: II. Composite Prototype Mirror
Ground-based and orbital off-axis aspherized grating imager-spectrographs: ISARD-OMP and OSIRIS-ODIN