Triple-differential cross section of the 208Pb(6Li,αd)208Pb Coulomb breakup and astrophysical /S-factor of the d(α,γ)6Li reaction at extremely low energies
Triple-Gluon and Triple-Quark Elastic Scatterings and Early Thermalization
Triple-Pomeron Matrix Model for Dispersive Corrections to Nucleon-Nucleus Total Cross Section
Triple-α Process in Hot Astrophysical Scenarios
Triplet np Final State Interactions at Large Momentum Transfers
Triplet pairing in beta-stable neutron star matter
Triplet Pairing in Neutron Matter
Triton and alpha emission in the thermal-neutron-induced ternary fission of 233U, 235U, 239Pu, and 241Pu
Triton and alpha particle calculations with a potential matrix deduced from phase shifts
Triton asymptotic normalization constants by the hyperspherical harmonics expansion method
Triton Binding Energy and Minimal Relativity
Triton binding energy calculated from the SU_6 quark-model nucleon-nucleon interaction
Triton binding energy calculations in a harmonic oscillator basis
Triton binding energy calculations with realistic local potentials
Triton calculations with $π$ and $ρ$ exchange three-nucleon forces
Triton calculations with phase-equivalent nucleon-nucleon interactions
Triton calculations with the new Nijmegen potentials
Triton Clustering in Neutron Rich Nuclei
Triton Electric Form Factor at Low-Energies
Triton emission in the interactions of fast neutrons with nuclei