A fully relativistic lattice Boltzmann algorithm
A functional approach to nuclear electromagnetic response functions
A further look at prolate dominance in nuclear deformation
A gauge invariant chiral unitary framework for kaon photo- and electroproduction on the proton
A Gauge Invariant Unitary Theory for Pion Photoproduction
A gauge invariant unitary theory for pion photoproduction
A General Effective Action for High-Density Quark Matter
A General Effective Action for Quark Matter and its Application to Color Superconductivity
A General Effective Theory for Dense Quark Matter
A general numerical solution of dispersion relations for the nuclear optical model
A General Signal of a Phase Transition from Single-Particle Momentum Distributions
A Genetic Algorithm Analysis of N* Resonances in $p(γ,K^{+})Λ$ Reactions
A Giant Halo at the Neutron Drip Line
A Global Model of $β^-$-Decay Half-Lives Using Neural Networks
A Global Potential Analysis of the $^{16}$O+$^{28}$Si Reaction Using a New Type of Coupling Potential
A Hartree-Bose Mean-Field Approximation for IBM-3
A HIC Primitive Spinodal Decomposition Signature
A Hidden Local Field Theory Description of Dileptons in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
A High Energy Nuclear Database Proposal
A High-Performance Algorithm to Calculate Spin- and Parity-Dependent Nuclear Level Densities