Dynamic Transition and Pattern Formation in Taylor Problem
Dynamic Transitions for Quasilinear Systems and Cahn-Hilliard equation with Onsager mobility
Dynamic Transitions of Surface Tension Driven Convection
Dynamical Backreaction in Robertson-Walker Spacetime
Dynamical Bounds for Sturmian Schrödinger Operators
Dynamical clusters of infinite particle dynamics
Dynamical Collapse of Boson Stars
Dynamical Collapse of White Dwarfs in Hartree- and Hartree-Fock Theory
Dynamical Critical Exponent for Two-Species Totally Asymmetric Diffusion on a Ring
Dynamical Delocalization for the 1D Bernoulli Discrete Dirac Operator
Dynamical delocalization in random Landau Hamiltonians
Dynamical deviation from quantum integrability
Dynamical Evolution in Noncommutative Discrete Phase Space and the Derivation of Classical Kinetic Equations
Dynamical formation of correlations in a Bose-Einstein condensate
Dynamical Invariants and Berry's Phase for Generalized Driven Harmonic Oscillators
Dynamical Invariants for Variable Quadratic Hamiltonians
Dynamical locality and covariance: What makes a physical theory the same in all spacetimes?
Dynamical locality of the free scalar field
Dynamical locality of the nonminimally coupled scalar field and enlarged algebra of Wick polynomials
Dynamical Localization for d-Dimensional Random Quantum Walks