η-η' -Glueball mixing from photon-meson transition form factors and decay ratio D_s --> ηl ν/ η' l ν
η_b and η_c radiative decays in the Salpeter model with the AdS/QCD inspired potential
θ-angle monodromy in two dimensions
Θ^+ and Λ(1520) production in pp reactions at high energies
θ_13, Rare Processes and Proton Decay in Flipped SU(5)
θ_{13} and Proton Decay in a Minimal SO(10) x S_4 model of Flavor
κ-deformations of D=4 Weyl and conformal symmetries
Λ0 polarization in exclusive pp reactions at 27.5 GeV/c
Λ_b Lifetime from the HQET Sum Rule
Λ_b \to ΛJ/ψdecay in perturbative QCD
Λ_b \to Λ_c P(V) Nonleptonic Weak Decays
μ-e conversion in nuclei versus μ-->e γ: an effective field theory point of view
μ-e Conversion Versus μ-->e γ
μ-τSymmetry and Maximal CP Violation
μto e in R-symmetric Supersymmetry
μ{\to}eγ and μ{\to}eee Status and perspectives
π0 and the T2K Experiment
πN transition distribution amplitudes: Their symmetries and constraints from chiral dynamics
π^0 π^0 Production in Proton-Proton Collisions at Tp=1.4 GeV