Type II Small Stringy Black Holes, Probe Branes and Higher Derivative Interactions
Type II string theory and modularity
Type II Strings and Generalized Calabi-Yau Manifolds
Type II Theories Compactified on Calabi-Yau Threefolds in the Presence of Background Fluxes
Type II vertex operators for the $A_{n-1}^{(1)}$ face model
Type II/F-theory Superpotentials with Several Deformations and N=1 Mirror Symmetry
Type IIA AdS4 compactifications on cosets, interpolations and domain walls
Type IIA and Heterotic String Vacua in D=2
Type IIA D-Branes, K-Theory, and Matrix Theory
Type IIA Dual of the Six-Dimensional CHL Compactification
Type IIA Killing spinors and calibrations
Type IIA Moduli Stabilization
Type IIA on a Compact Calabi-Yau and D=11 Supergravity Uplift of its Orientifold
Type IIA orientifold compactification on SU(2)-structure manifolds
Type IIA Orientifold Limit of M-Theory on Compact Joyce 8-Manifold of Spin(7)-Holonomy
Type IIA orientifolds and orbifolds on non-factorizable tori
Type IIA Orientifolds on General Supersymmetric Z_N Orbifolds
Type IIA Pati-Salam Flux Vacua
Type IIA String and Matrix String on PP-wave
Type IIA Supergravity Excitations in Plane-Wave Background