Symplectic Symmetry of the Neutrino Mass For Many Neutrino Flavors
Symplectic Three-Algebra and N=6, Sp(2N) X U(1) Superconformal Chern-Simons-Matter Theory
Symplectic Three-Algebra Unifying N=5,6 Superconformal Chern-Simons-Matter Theories
Symplectic, Multisymplectic Structures and Euler-Lagrange Cohomology
Synchrotron radiation from a charge moving along a helical orbit inside a dielectric cylinder
Synchrotron radiation from a charge moving along a helix around a dielectric cylinder
Synchrotron radiation in strongly coupled conformal field theories
Synchrotron Radiation in the Standard Model Extension
Syncyclons or Solitonic Signals from Extra Dimensions
Synergistic Gravity and the Role of Resonances in GRS-Inspired Braneworlds
Systematic $1/N$ corrections for bosonic and fermionic vector models without auxiliary fields
Systematic and intuitive approach for separation of variables in the Dirac equation for a class of noncentral electromagnetic potentials
Systematic approach to cyclic orbifolds
Systematic classical continuum limits of integrable spin chains and emerging novel dualities
Systematic derivation of boundary Lax pairs
Systematic Differential Renormalization to All Orders
Systematic Implementation of Implicit Regularization for Multi-Loop Feynman Diagrams
Systematic proof of the existence of Yangian symmetry in chiral Gross-Neveu models
Systematic Renormalization in Hamiltonian Light-Front Field Theory
Systematic Renormalization in Hamiltonian Light-Front Field Theory: The Massive Generalization