Symplectic Projector and The Physical Degrees of Freedom of The Classical Particle
Symplectic Quantization for Reducible Systems
Symplectic Quantization of Massive Bosonic string in background B-field
Symplectic Quantization of Open Strings and Noncommutativity in Branes
Symplectic quantization of self-dual master Lagrangian
Symplectic Quantization of the CP$^1$ Model with the Chern-Simons Term
Symplectic Reduction and Symmetry Algebra in Boundary Chern-Simons theory
Symplectic reduction of p-form electrodynamics
Symplectic sigma models in superspace
Symplectic structure for elastic and chiral conducting cosmic string models
Symplectic structure free Chern-Simons Theory
Symplectic Structure in Brane Mechanics
Symplectic Structure of 2D Dilaton Gravity
Symplectic structure of electromagnetic duality
Symplectic structure of N=1 supergravity with anomalies and Chern-Simons terms
Symplectic Structures and Quantum Mechanics
Symplectic Structures and Self -dual Fields in (4k+2) Dimensions
Symplectic structures associated to Lie-Poisson groups
Symplectic SUSY Gauge Theories with Antisymmetric Matter
Symplectic Symmetry of the Neutrino Mass and the See-Saw Mechanism