Multiple M2-branes and the Embedding Tensor
Multiple M5-branes, String 2-connections, and 7d nonabelian Chern-Simons theory
Multiple Mellin-Barnes Integrals as Periods of Calabi-Yau Manifolds With Several Moduli
Multiple Membranes from Gauged Supergravity
Multiple Mirror Manifolds and Topology Change in String Theory
Multiple Realisations of N=1 Vacua in Six Dimensions
Multiple reference states and complete spectrum of the $Z_n$ Belavin model with open boundaries
Multiple reflection expansion and heat kernel coefficients
Multiple Scattering Casimir Force Calculations: Layered and Corrugated Materials, Wedges, and Casimir-Polder Forces
Multiple Scattering Methods in Casimir Calculations
Multiple Scattering: Dispersion, Temperature Dependence, and Annular Pistons
Multiple Self-Dual Strings on M5-Branes
Multiple Unfoldings of Orbifold Singularities: Engineering Geometric Analogies to Unification
Multiple universes, cosmic coincidences, and other dark matters
Multiple Vacua and Boundary Conditions of Schwinger-Dyson Equations
Multiple vacua in two-dimensional Yang-Mills theory
Multiple zero modes of the Dirac operator in three dimensions
Multiple-Scale Analysis of Quantum Systems
Multiple-Scale Analysis of the Quantum Anharmonic Oscillator
Multiple-scales analysis of cosmological perturbations in brane-worlds