Multiple Chern-Simons Fields on a Torus
Multiple classical limits in relativistic and nonrelativistic quantum mechanics
Multiple Crossover Phenomena and Scale Hopping in Two Dimensions
Multiple D$_p$-branes as a D$_{p+2}$-brane
Multiple D0-branes in Weakly Curved Backgrounds
Multiple D2-Brane Action from M2-Branes
Multiple D4-D2-D0 on the Conifold and Wall-crossing with the Flop
Multiple Dp-branes in Weak Background Fields
Multiple Edges of a Quantum Hall System in a Strong Electric Field
Multiple fundamental strings and waves to non-linear order in the background fields
Multiple Inflation, Cosmic String Networks and the String Landscape
Multiple integral formula for the off-shell six vertex scalar product
Multiple Intersections of D-branes and M-branes
Multiple Ising Spins Coupled to 2d Quantum Gravity
Multiple Lambda cosmology: dark fluid with time-dependent equation of state as classical analog of cosmological landscape
Multiple Layer Structure of Non-Abelian Vortex
Multiple M0-brane equations in eleven dimensional pp-wave superspace and BMN matrix model
Multiple M0-brane system in an arbitrary eleven dimensional supergravity background
Multiple M2-branes and Generalized 3-Lie algebras
Multiple M2-Branes and Plane Waves