$ρω$--Mixing and the Pion Electromagnetic Form Factor in the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio Model
$σ$ Meson In $J/Ψ$ Decays
$σ(600)$ and background in $ππ$ scattering
$σ(e^+e^-\to{hadrons})$ and the Heavy Quark Masses
$σ^{tot}_{ee γγ}$ at $e^+e^-$ colliders}
$σ_L/σ_T$ in the $ρ^0$ - meson diffractive electroproproduction
$σ_{DIS}(νN)$, NLO Perturbative QCD and O(1 GeV) Mass Corrections
$τ$ Anomalous Couplings and Radiation Zeros in the $e^+e^- \to τ \barτγ$ process
$τ$ Decay and the QCD infrared fixed point
$τ$ electric dipole moment with polarized beams
$τ$ magnetic moment in a $γγ$ collider
$τ$ polarization and Randall-Sundrum scenario at $e^+e^-$ colliders
$τ$ polarization asymmetries in $B^+ \to τ^+ν_τγ$ and $B^+_c \to τ^+ν_τγ$
$τ$ Polarization in SUSY Cascade Decays
$τ$-Flavour Violation at the LHC
$τ- μ- e$ Universality in $τ$ Decays and Constraints on the Slepton Masses
$τ\to πK ν$ Decay and $πK$ Scattering
$τ\toρππν$ decays
$τ^-\toπ^-γν_τ$ as a source of background on the Lepton Flavour Violating decay $τ^-\toμ^-γ$
$τ^{-} \to π^{-} π^{0} ν_τ$ decay in the extended NJL model