$π^+$ and $π^0$ Polarizabilities from {$γγ\rightarrowππ$} Data on the Base of S-Matrix Approach
$π^0\toγ^*γ$ transition form factor within Light Front Quark Model
$π^o$ Electroproduction and Transversity
$π^{-}$ tagging in $Λ\to p π$ decay in homogeneous and inhomogeneous magnetic fields.
$πη$ pair hard electroproduction and exotic hybrid mesons
$πΛ$ phase shifts and CP Violation in ${Ξ\to πΛ}$ Deca
$πΛ$ scattering phase shifts and CP violation in $Ξ\to π Λ$ decay
$πΞ$ phase shifts and CP Violation in ${Ω\toπΞ}$ Decay
$ππ$ Invariant mass spectrum in $V'\to V~ππ$ and the $f_0(600)$ pole
$ππ$ Scattering and Pion Form Factors
$ππ$ Scattering in Three Flavour ChPT
$ππ$ scattering S wave from the data on the reaction $π^-p\toπ^0π^0n$
$ρ$ parameter constraints on radion phenomenology and a lower bound on Higgs mass
$ρ$ Parameter in the Vector Condensate Model of Electroweak Interactions
$ρ$ Polarization and `Model Independent' Extraction of $|V_{ub}|/|V_{cd}|$ from $D\toρ\ellν$ and $B\toρ\ellν$
$ρ$-Meson wave functions from nonlocal light-cone operators with definite twist
$ρ-ω-$Interference in $J/ψ-$Decays and $ρ\to π^+π^-π^0$ Decay
$ρ\to 4π$ DECAY
$ρ\to 4π$ in chirally symmetric models
$ρ^0-ω$ mixing in U(3)}$_L\times$ U(3)$_R$ chiral theory of mesons