$η-η^\prime$ Mixing in the Flavor Basis and Large N
$η-η^\prime$ Photoproduction and the Axial Isoscalar Neutral Current Coupling
$η-η^{\prime}$ Mixing Angle from Vector Meson Radiative Decays
$η/s$ and Phase Transitions
$η\to 3 π$ at Two Loops In Chiral Perturbation Theory
$η\to π^0 γγ$ decay in the three-flavor Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model
$η\to π^0 γγ$ decay within a chiral unitary approach revisited
$η\to π^0 γγ$ decay within unitarized chiral perturbation theory
$η\to π^0 γγ$ to ${\cal{O}}(p)^6$ in Chiral Perturbation Theory
$η\to π^{0} γγ$ and $γγ\to π^{0} π^{0}$ in $O(p^{6})$ chiral perturbation theory
$η^{(\prime)}$ productions in semileptonic B decays
$η_c$ - glueball Mixing and Resonance X(1835)
$η_c$ mixing effects on charmonium and $B$ meson decays
$η_c$ production and dimuon enhancement in heavy ion collisions
$ηγZ$ anomaly from the $η-->γμ+μ-$ decay
$θ$ Bag and Quark Confinement
$Θ$ vacua states in heavy ion collisions in presence of dissipation and noise
$θ$ Vacuum in a Random Matrix Model
$θ$ Vacuum: A Matrix Model
$θ$-dependence of QCD at Finite Isospin Density