Polyakov loops and monopoles in QCD
Polyakov loops and spectral properties of the staggered Dirac operator
Polyakov loops and SU(2) staggered Dirac spectra
Polyakov Loops, Z(N) Symmetry, and Sine-Law Scaling
Polymer-Chain Adsorption Transition at a Cylindrical Boundary
Polymeric Phase of Simplicial Quantum Gravity
Polynomial Filtered HMC -- an algorithm for lattice QCD with dynamical quarks
Polynomial Hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm for lattice QCD with an odd number of flavors
Pomerons and Lattices: a Progress Report
Portable QCD codes for Massively Parallel Processors. UKQCD collaboration
Positive-parity Excited-states of the Nucleon in Quenched Lattice QCD
Positivity and Fermionic Dense Matter
Positivity and topology in lattice gauge theory
Positivity violation for the lattice Landau gluon propagator
Possible Color Octet Quark-Anti-Quark Condensate in the Instanton Model
Possible Consequences of Conjectural Periodicity of Spectrum of Lattice Dirac Operator
Possible evidence for the mass shift of $η$' meson at finite temperature
Possible Failure of Asymptotic Freedom in Two-Dimensional $RP^2$ and $RP^3$ $σ$-Models
Possible lattice approach to B to D pi (K) matrix elements
Potential between adjoint sources in arbitrary representations