Tevatron Searches for New Physics with Photons and Jets
Tevatron top physics
Tevatron Top Results
The "Golden Mode" at the Upgraded Tevatron?
The "miniskirt" counter array at CDF-II
The $e^+ e^-\to 2(π^+π^-)π^0$, 2(π^+π^-)η$, $K^+ K^-π^+π^-π^0$ and $K^+ K^-π^+π^-η$ Cross Sections Measured with Initial-State Radiation
The $e^+ e^-\to K^+ K^- π^+π^-$, $K^+ K^- π^0π^0$ and $K^+ K^- K^+ K^-$ Cross Sections Measured with Initial-State Radiation
The $K^-π^+$ S-wave from the $D^+ \to K^-π^+π^+$ decay
The $Q^2$-dependence of the generalised Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn integral for the deuteron, proton and neutron
The $\epem\toπ^+π^-π^+π^-$, $K^+K^-π^+π^-$, and $K^+K^- K^+K^- $ Cross Sections at Center-of-Mass Energies 0.5--4.5 \gev Measured with Initial-State Radiation
The $ΛK$ system production in the hadron interactions
The $σ$ pole in $J/ψ\to ωπ^+ π^-$
The $φ(1020)\toπ^0π^0γ$ decay
The $φ\toηπ^0γ$ decay
The 115 GeV Higgs Odyssey
The 2010 Interim Report of the Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment Collaboration Physics Working Groups
The A - dependence of $K^{0}$ and $Λ$ neutrinoproduction on nuclei
The A - dependence of rho^0 neutrinoproduction on nuclei
The Algorithm Steering and Trigger Decision mechanism of the ATLAS High Level Trigger
The all-particle spectrum of primary cosmic rays in the wide energy range from 10^14 eV to 10^17 eV observed with the Tibet-III air-shower array