Superluminal neutrinos
Superluminal Neutrinos from Special Relativity with de Sitter Space-time Symmetry
Superluminal Particles and High-Energy Cosmic Rays
Superluminal Tunneling Devices
Superparticles from the Initial Universe and deduction of the Fine Structure Constant and Uncertainty Principle directly from the Gravitation Theory
Superradiance and stimulated scattering in SNR 1987A
Supersymmetric Yang Mills Fields and Black Holes ; In Ten Dimensional Unified Field Theory
Supersymmetry and B_s, DO, and Aleph i
Supplementary kinetic constants of charged particles
Supplementary Methods for "Comment on 'Nuclear Emissions During Self-Nucleated Acoustic Cavitation'"
Surely You Must All be Joking: An Outsider's Critique of Quantum Physics
Surface fraction of random close packing in two dimensions calculated exactly
Sustainable Evolution in an Ever-Changing Environment: General Characterization
Symmetry Algebra of IIB Superstring Scattering
Symmetry breaking from Lorentz transformation
Symmetry breaking in covalent chiral bond Hsub2, according to accurate vibrational levels from Kratzer bond theory
Symmetry Principles of the Unified Field Theory
Symmetry, causal structure and superluminality in Finsler spacetime
Synchronization of the Frenet-Serret linear system with a chaotic nonlinear system by feedback of states
Synchronizing equivalent clocks across inertial frames