Dynamics of Boolean networks - an exact solution
Dynamics of Boolean Networks with Scale-Free Topology
Dynamics of bootstrap percolation
Dynamics of Bose condensed gases in highly deformed traps
Dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates in cigar-shaped traps
Dynamics of Bose-Einstein Condensates in One-Dimensional Optical Lattices in the Presence of Transverse Resonances
Dynamics of Bound and Free Water in an Aqueous Micellar Solution : Analysis of the Lifetime and Vibrational Frequencies of Hydrogen Bonds at a Complex Interface
Dynamics of Br Electrosorption on Single-Crystal Ag(100): A Computational Study
Dynamics of bright matter wave solitons in a quasi 1D Bose-Einstein condensate with a rapidly varying trap
Dynamics of bright matter-wave solitons in inhomogeneous cigar-type Bose-Einstein condensate
Dynamics of bubbles in a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate
Dynamics of Bulk vs. Nanoscale WS_2: Local Strain and Charging Effects
Dynamics of capacitively coupled double quantum dots
Dynamics of Chainlike Molecules on Surfaces
Dynamics of channel incision in a granular bed driven by subsurface water flow
Dynamics of Charge Leakage From Self-assembled CdTe Quantum Dots
Dynamics of charged domain walls in ferroelectrics
Dynamics of charged gibbsite platelets in the isotropic phase
Dynamics of Charged Quantized Vortices
Dynamics of cholesteric structures in an electric field