Dynamics of a stiff biopolymer in an actively contractile background: buckling, stiffening and negative dissipation
Dynamics of a stochastically driven Brownian particle in one dimension
Dynamics of a stretched nonlinear polymer chain
Dynamics of a Strongly Damped Two-Level System: Beyond the DBGA
Dynamics of a strongly interacting Fermi gas: the radial quadrupole mode
Dynamics of a suspended nanowire driven by an ac Josephson current in an inhomogeneous magnetic field
Dynamics of a Suspension of Spheres and Rigid Polymers: Effect of Geometrical Mismatch
Dynamics of a three terminal mechanically flexible tunneling contact
Dynamics of a three-dimensional inextensible chain
Dynamics of a Tonks-Girardeau gas released from a hard-wall trap
Dynamics of a tracer granular particle as a non-equilibrium Markov process
Dynamics of a trapped 2D Bose-Einstein condensate with periodically and randomly varying atomic scattering length
Dynamics of a trapped domain wall in a current perpendicular to the plane spin valve nano-structure
Dynamics of a trapped Fermi gas in the BCS phase
Dynamics of a trapped ultracold two-dimensional atomic gas
Dynamics of a tunable superfluid junction
Dynamics of a tunneling magnetic impurity: Kondo effect induced incoherence
Dynamics of a two-component atomic Bose-Einstein condensate
Dynamics of a Two-Level System Coupled to Ohmic Bath: A Perturbation Approach
Dynamics of a two-level system coupled with a quantum oscillator in the very strong coupling limit