Ballistic bit addressing in a magnetic memory cell array
Ballistic charge transport in chiral-symmetric few-layer graphene
Ballistic Coalescence Model
Ballistic Composite Fermions in Semiconductor Nanostructures
Ballistic Conductance and Magnetism in Short Tip-Suspended Ni Nanowires
Ballistic Conductance in Oxidized Si Nanowires
Ballistic conductance of magnetic Co and Ni nanowires with ultrasoft pseudo-potentials
Ballistic conductance of Ni nanowire with a magnetization reversal
Ballistic deposition on deterministic fractals: On the observation of discrete scale invariance
Ballistic deposition patterns beneath a growing KPZ interface
Ballistic dynamics of a convex smooth-wall billiard with finite escape rate along the boundary
Ballistic effects in a proximity induced superconducting diffusive metal
Ballistic Electron Emission Microscopy on CoSi${}_2$/Si(111) interfaces: band structure induced atomic-scale resolution and role of localized surface states
Ballistic electron motion in a random magnetic field
Ballistic Electron Quantum Transport in Presence of a Disordered Background
Ballistic electron spectroscopy
Ballistic electron transport exceeding 160 microns in an undoped GaAs/AlGaAs FET
Ballistic electron transport in stubbed quantum waveguides: experiment and theory
Ballistic electron transport through magnetic domain walls
Ballistic electronic transport in Quantum Cables