BaFe2As2 Surface Domains and Domain Walls: Mirroring the Bulk Spin Structure
BaFe_{1.8}Co_{0.2}As_2 thin film hybrid Josephson junctions
Bag Formation in Quantum Hall Ferromagnets
Bagnold scaling, density plateau, and kinetic theory analysis of dense granular flow
Bak-Sneppen model near zero dimension
Bakhtiari, Leskinen and Torma Reply
Balance of forces in simulated bilayers
Balanced ternary addition using a gated silicon nanowire
Balancing torques in membrane-mediated interactions: Exact results and numerical illustrations
Balancing with Noise and Delay
Ballistic (precessional) contribution to the conventional magnetic switching
Ballistic aggregation for one-sided Brownian initial velocity
Ballistic aggregation: a solvable model of irreversible many particles dynamics
Ballistic and Diffuse Electron Transport in Nanocontacts of Magnetics
Ballistic and diffuse transport through a ferromagnetic domain wall
Ballistic and diffusive: theory of vortices in the two-band superconductor MgB2
Ballistic anisotropic magnetoresistance
Ballistic Annihilation
Ballistic annihilation kinetics for a multi-velocity one-dimensional ideal gas
Ballistic Annihilation Kinetics: The Case of Discrete Velocity Distributions