Buckling of swelling gels
Buckling patterns of complete spherical shells filled with an elastic medium under external pressure
Buckling Thin Disks and Ribbons with Non-Euclidean Metrics
Buckling transition and boundary layer in non-Euclidean plates
Buckling transition of nematic gels in confined geometry
Buckling, Fluctuations and Collapse in Semiflexible Polyelectrolytes
Budd-Vannimenus theorem for superconductors
Budding and Domain Shape Transformations in Mixed Lipid Films and Bilayer Membranes
Budding and vesiculation induced by conical membrane inclusions
Buffed energy landscapes: Another solution to the kinetic paradoxes of protein folding
Buffer gas cooling and trapping of atoms with small magnetic moments
Buffer-Enhanced Electrical-Pulse-Induced-Resistive Memory Effect in Thin Film Perovskites
Buffering plasmons in nanoparticle waveguides at the virtual-localized transition
Bug propagation and debugging in asymmetric software structures
Build up of off-diagonal long-range order in microcavity exciton-polaritons across the parametric threshold
Build-up of coherence between initially-independent subsystems: The case of Bose-Einstein condensates
Building and Destroying Symmetry in 1-D Elastic Systems
Building clusters atom by atom: from local order to global order
Building effective models from sparse but precise data
Building micro-soccer-balls with evaporating colloidal fakir drops