Negative Mobility induced by Colored Thermal Fluctuations
Negative superfluid densities in superconducting films in a parallel magnetic field
Negative thermal expansion of MgB$_{2}$ in the superconducting state and anomalous behavior of the bulk Grüneisen function
Neighbor-junction state effect on the fluxon motion in a Josephson stack
Neither a type-I nor a type-II superconductivity in a two-gap system
Nematic order in the vicinity of a vortex in superconducting FeSe
Nematic phase without Heisenberg physics in FeAs planes
Nematic spin fluid in the tetragonal phase of BaFe2As2
Neon ion Irradiation studies on MgB2 Superconductor
Nernst and Seebeck Coefficients of the Cuprate SuperconductorYBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{6.67}$: A Study of Fermi Surface Reconstruction
Nernst Effect and Anomalous Transport in Cuprates: A Preformed-Pair Alternative to the Vortex Scenario
Nernst effect and Critical Field in Cuprate Superconductors
Nernst effect and diamagnetic response in a stripe model of superconducting cuprates
Nernst effect and diamagnetism in phase fluctuating superconductors
Nernst effect and disorder in the normal state of high-T_{c} cuprates
Nernst Effect and Superconducting Fluctuations in Zn-doped YBa$_{2}$Cu$_{3}$O$_{7-δ}$
Nernst effect anisotropy as a sensitive probe of Fermi surface distortions from electron-nematic order
Nernst effect as a probe of superconducting fluctuations in disordered thin films
Nernst Effect in Electron-Doped Pr$_{2-x}$Ce$_{x}$CuO$_4$
Nernst Effect in NdBa_2[Cu_{1-y}Ni_y]_3O_{7-δ}