Near-Zero Modes in Superconducting Graphene
Nearly Ferromagnetic Superconductors
Nearly free electrons in the layered oxide superconductor Ag5Pb2O6
Nearly Isotropic superconductivity in (Ba,K)Fe2As2
Nearly isotropic upper critical fields in a SrFe$_{1.85}$Co$_{0.15}$As$_{2}$ single crystal
Néel and Spin-Peierls ground states of two-dimensional SU(N) quantum antiferromagnets
Negative conductance in driven Josephson junctions
Negative conductances of Josephson junctions: Voltage fluctuations and energetics
Negative differential resistance in normal narrow bands - superconducting junctions with Andreev reflection
Negative differential resistance in single crystal La_{2}CuO_{4} at low temperature
Negative differential resistivity in superconductors with periodic arrays of pinning sites
Negative Echo in the Density Evolution of Ultracold Fermionic Gases
Negative Hall coefficients of heavily overdoped La2-xSrxCuO4
Negative in-plane and out-of-plane magnetoresistivities in optimally doped Bi2Sr2Ca0.8Y0.2Cu2O8+d single crystal
Negative isotope effect of a BCS-like gap; an inelastic light scattering study
Negative magnetoresistance and phase slip process in superconducting nanowires
Negative Magnetoresistance in Andreev Interferometers
Negative Magnetoresistance in Granular Bi - HTSC with Trapped Magnetic Fields
Negative Magnetoresistance of Bi_2Sr_2CuO_x Single Crystals in a Strong Magnetic Fields
Negative magnetoresistance of ultra-narrow superconducting nanowires in the resistive state