Swelling of two-dimensional polymer rings by trapped particles
Swimmer-tracer scattering at low Reynolds number
Swimming in circles: Motion of bacteria near solid boundaries
Swimming with a friend at low Reynolds number
Swinging and Synchronized Rotations of Red Blood Cells in Simple Shear Flow
Swinging and tumbling of elastic capsules in shear flow
Swinging and Tumbling of Fluid Vesicles in Shear Flow
Switch of lamellae orientation in slits
Switching and defect dynamics in multistable liquid crystal devices
Switching dynamics in cholesteric blue phases
Switching dynamics of surface stabilized ferroelectric liquid crystal cells: effects of anchoring energy asymmetry
Switching hydrodynamics in multi-domain, twisted nematic, liquid crystal devices
Switching mechanism in polar columnar mesophases made of bent-core molecules
Swollen Micelles Plus Hydrophobically Modified Hydrosoluble Polymers in Aqueous Solutions: Decoration Versus Bridging. a Small Angle Neutron Scattering Study
Symmetric three-particle motion in Stokes flow: equilibrium for heavy spheres in contrast to "end-of-world" for point forces
Symmetries and alignment of biaxial nematic liquid crystals
Symmetries and Decoherence of Two-Component Confined Atomic Clouds: Study of the Atomic Echo in the two-component Bose-Einstein Condensate
Symmetries and Elasticity of Nematic Gels
Symmetries of Electrostatic Interaction between DNA Molecules
Symmetry Based Properties of the Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Nanotubes