Surface Wetting of Liquid Nanodroplets
Surface-charge-induced freezing of colloidal suspensions
Surface-dependent Coagulation Enzymes: Flow Kinetics of Factor Xa Generation on Live Membranes
Surface-Directed Spinodal Decomposition: A Molecular Dynamics Study
Surface-induced First Order Transition in Athermal Polymer/Nanoparticle Blends
Surface-induced layer formation in polyelectrolytes
Surface-mediated non-linear optical effects in liquid crystals
Surface-to-volume ratio with oscillating gradients
Surfactant Driven Fracture of Interfacial Particle Rafts
Surmounting Barriers: The Benefit of Hydrodynamic Interactions
Survey of Morphologies Formed in the Wake of an Enslaved Phase-Separation Front in Two Dimensions
Susceptibility functions for slow relaxation processes in supercooled liquids and the search for universal relaxation patterns
Svortices and the fundamental modes of the "snake instability": Possibility of observation in the gaseous Bose-Einstein Condensate
Swapping trajectories: a new wall-induced cross-streamline particle migration mechanism in a dilute suspension of spheres
Swarming of Self-Propelled Camphor Boats
Swelling and Dissolution of onion phases: The effect of temperature
Swelling and shrinking kinetics of a lamellar gel phase
Swelling kinetics of the onion phase
Swelling of particle-encapsulating random manifolds
Swelling of phospholipid floating bilayers: the effect of chain length