Mean-field model for the interference of matter waves from a three-dimensional optical trap
Mean-field model of interaction between bright vortex solitons in Bose-Einstein condensates
Mean-field model of jet formation in a collapsing Bose-Einstein condensate
Mean-field phase diagram of cold lattice bosons in disordered potentials
Mean-Field Theory of Feshbach-Resonant Interactions in 85Rb Condensates
Mean-Field Theory, Mode-Coupling Theory, and the Onset Temperature in Supercooled Liquids
Mean-Field-Theory for Polymers in Mixed Solvents Thermodynamic and Structural Properties
Meanfield treatment of Bragg scattering from a Bose-Einstein condensate
Measurement of correlations between low-frequency vibrational modes and particle rearrangements in quasi-two-dimensional colloidal glasses
Measurement of Effective Temperatures in an Aging Colloidal Glass
Measurement of Growing Dynamical Lengthscales and Prediction of the Jamming Transition in a Granular Material
Measurement of one-particle correlations and momentum distributions for trapped 1D gases
Measurement of positive and negative scattering lengths in a Fermi gas of atoms
Measurement of the angular momentum of a rotating Bose-Einstein condensate
Measurement of the bending rigidity and spontaneous curvature of fluid membranes in simulations
Measurement of the hydrodynamic forces between two polymer-coated spheres
Measurement of the interaction strength in a Bose-Fermi mixture with 87Rb and 40K
Measurement of the Phase Diagram of DNA Unzipping in the Temperature- Force Plane
Measurement of the pure dissolution rate constant of a mineral in water
Measurement of the Spatial Correlation Function of Phase Fluctuating Bose-Einstein Condensates