Maximum Valency Lattice Gas Models
Maximum-entropy calculation of end-to-end distance distribution of force stretching chains
Maxwell and Kerr effects in solutions of macromolecules with dendrons in side groups
Maxwell stress in fluid mixtures
Maxwell Tension Supports the Water Bridge
Maxwell viscoelastic dynamics of the DNA in the THz range
MD simulations and continuum theory of partially fluidized shear granular flows
Mean field analysis of Williams-Bjerknes type growth
Mean Field Approach for a Statistical Mechanical Model of Proteins
Mean Field Fluid Behavior of the Gaussian Core Model
Mean field ground state of a spin-1 condensate in a magnetic field
Mean Field Theory for Lossy Nonlinear Composites
Mean first passage times for bond formation for a Brownian particle in linear shear flow above a wall
Mean joint residence time of two Brownian particles in a sphere
Mean spherical approximation for the Lennard-Jones-like two Yukawa model: Comparison against Monte Carlo data
Mean survival times of absorbing triply periodic minimal surfaces
Mean-field description of collapsing and exploding Bose-Einstein condensates
Mean-field dynamical density functional theory
Mean-Field HP Model, Designability and Alpha-Helices in Protein Structures
Mean-field model for Josephson oscillation in a Bose-Einstein condensate on an one-dimensional optical trap