Dynamics of simple liquids at heterogeneous surfaces : Molecular Dynamics simulations and hydrodynamic description
Dynamics of sliding drops on superhydrophobic surfaces
Dynamics of smectic elastomers
Dynamics of spherical particles on a surface: About collision induced sliding and other effects
Dynamics of Strongly Deformed Polymers in Solution
Dynamics of Strongly Interacting Fermi Gases of Atoms in a Harmonic Trap
Dynamics of supercooled liquids: density fluctuations and Mode Coupling Theory
Dynamics of the Formation of Bright Solitary Waves of Bose-Einstein Condensates in Optical Lattices
Dynamics of the molecular orientation field coupled to ions in two-dimensional ferroelectric liquid crystals
Dynamics of the peel front and the nature of acoustic emission during peeling of an adhesive tape
Dynamics of the superfluid to Mott insulator transition in one dimension
Dynamics of the swelling or collapse of a homopolymer
Dynamics of the triple contact line on the non-isothermal heater
Dynamics of two trapped Brownian particles: shear-induced cross-correlations
Dynamics of two-particle granular collisions on a surface
Dynamics of unbinding of polymers in a random medium
Dynamics of uniaxial hard ellipsoids
Dynamics of Vesicle Formation from Lipid Droplet: Mechanism and Controllability
Dynamics of Vesicles in shear and rotational flows: Modal Dynamics and Phase Diagram
Dynamics of Vibrated Grains