Nanoscale Electromechanics of Paraelectric Materials with Mobile Charges: Size effects and Nonlinearity of Electromechanical Response of SrTiO3 Films
Nanoscale Electronic Inhomogeneity in In2Se3 Nanoribbons Revealed by Microwave Impedance Microscopy
Nanoscale Equilibrium Crystal Shapes
Nanoscale heat transfer at contact between a hot tip and a substrate
Nanoscale inhomogeneities: A new path toward high Curie temperature ferromagnetism in diluted materials
Nanoscale Lasers Based on Carbon Peapods
Nanoscale measurement of the Power Spectral Density of surface roughness: a difficult experimental challenge and how to solve it
Nanoscale Molecular Dynamics Simulaton of Shock Compression of Silicon
Nanoscale periodicity in stripe-forming systems at high temperature: Au/W(110)
Nanoscale piezoelectric response across a single antiparallel ferroelectric domain wall
Nanoscale polarization manipulation and imaging in ferroelectric Langmuir-Blodgett polymer films
Nanoscale polarization switching mechanisms in multiferroic BiFeO$_3$ thin films
Nanoscale Processing by Adaptive Laser Pulses
Nanoscale Quantification of Octahedral Tilts in Perovskite Films
Nanoscale self-affine surface smoothing by ion bombardment
Nanoscale sliding friction versus commensuration ratio
Nanoscale Smoothing and the Analysis of Interfacial Charge and Dipolar Densities
Nanoscale structure and mechanism for enhanced electromechanical response of highly-strained BiFeO3 thin films
Nanoscale structures formed in silicon cleavage studied with large-scale electronic structure alculations; surface reconstruction, step and bending
Nanoscale switching characteristics of nearly tetragonal BiFeO3 thin films