The head leads the body: a curvature-based kinematic description of C. elegans
The holographic principle and the language of genes
The impact of a carbon nanotube on the cholesterol domain localized on a protein surface
The influence of anesthetics, neurotransmitters and antibiotics on the relaxation processes in lipid membranes
The influence of T cell development on pathogen specificity and autoreactivity
The intrinsic load-resisting capacity of kinesin
The Intrinsic Time Scale of Transient Neuronal Responses
The Inverse Variational Problem and Logistic Self-Regulated Systems
The Isotropic to Nematic Liquid Crystalline Phase Transition of F-actin Varies from Continuous to First Order
The Iterative Signature Algorithm for the analysis of large scale gene expression data
The kinetics of inactivation of spheroidal microbial cells by pulsed electric fields
The long-time dynamics of two hydrodynamically-coupled swimming cells
The Loss of Multifractality in Migraines
The mean velocity of two-state models of molecular motor
The optimal elastic flagellum
The phase diagram of random Boolean networks with nested canalizing functions
The Physical Origin of Intrinsic Bends in Double Helical DNA
The Physics of Nerves
The Predictive Power of R0 in an Epidemic Probabilistic System
The prosody and the music of the human speech