Simplified amino acid alphabets based on deviation of conditional probability from random background
Simplifying the mosaic description of DNA sequences
Simulated and Experimental Bending Dynamics in DNA with and without A-Tracts
Simulation of cellular irradiation with the CENBG microbeam line using GEANT4
Simulation of Spread and Control of Lesions in Brain
Simulations in statistical physics and biology: some applications
Simulations of a single membrane between two walls using a Monte Carlo method
Simulations of Interacting Membranes
Simulations of Oligomeric Intermediates in Prion Diseases
Simultaneous estimation of attenuation and structure parameters of aggregated red blood cells from backscatter measurements
Single cell mechanics: stress stiffening and kinematic hardening
Single DNA conformations and biological function
Single molecule study of the DNA denaturation phase transition in the force-torsion space
Single NanoParticle Photothermal Tracking (SNaPT) of 5 nm gold beads in live cells
Single-domain protein folding: a multi-faceted problem
Single-image measurements of monochromatic subdiffraction dimolecular separations
Single-molecule derivation of salt dependent base-pair free energies in DNA
Single-molecule imaging of protein adsorption mechanisms to surfaces
Single-walled carbon nanotubes and nanocrystalline graphene reduce beam-induced movements in high-resolution electron cryo-microscopy of ice-embedded biological samples
Singular Value Decomposition and Principal Component Analysis