Sub-Poissonian atom number fluctuations by three-body loss in mesoscopic ensembles
Sub-Shot-Noise Magnetometry with a Correlated Spin-Relaxation Dominated Alkali-Metal Vapor
Subatomic astronomy
Subatomic Physics Solutions Manual
Substrate-based atom waveguide using guided two-color evanescent light fields
Subthermal linewidths in photoassociation spectra of cold alkaline earth atoms
Suitability of linear quadrupole ion traps for large Coulomb crystals
Sulphur ions iso-electronic sequence (Liang+, 2011)
Sum rules for an atomic hyperfine structure in a magnetic field
Sum rules in the oscillator radiation processes
Supercritical Dirac resonance parameters from extrapolated analytic continuation methods
Superfluid Fermi Gases with Large Scattering Length
Superfluid Pairing in the Three Component Fermi Gas
Superfluidity of the BEC at finite temperature
Superradiance on the Landau levels and the problem of power of decameter radiation of Jupiter
Supersolid Vortex Crystals in Rydberg-dressed Bose-Einstein Condensates
Supersymmetric Jaynes-Cummings model and its exact solutions
Suppression of correlated electron escape in double ionization in strong laser fields
Suppression of Excitation and Spectral Broadening Induced by Interactions in a Cold Gas of Rydberg Atoms
Suppression of inelastic collisions of polar $^1 Σ$ state molecules in an electrostatic field