Electric field control in ultralong-range triatomic polar Rydberg molecules
Electric field induced hyperfine level-crossings in (nD)Cs at two-step laser excitation: experiment and theory
Electric Field Induced Symmetry Breaking of Angular Momentum Distribution in Atoms
Electric field suppression of ultracold confined chemical rates
Electric Quadrupole Moment of a Hydrogenlike Ion in $s$ and $p_{1/2}$ States
Electric quadrupole moment of the $4d ^{2}D_{5/2}$ state in $^{88}Sr^{+}$ and its role in an optical frequency standard
Electric quadrupole moment of the $5d^2 D_{3/2}$ state in $^{171}Yb^+$ : A relativistic coupled-cluster analysis
Electric Quadrupole Moments of Metastable States of Ca+, Sr+, and Ba+
Electric-field induced dipole blockade with Rydberg atoms
Electric-field-induced change of alkali-metal vapor density in paraffin-coated cells
Electric-octupole and pure-electric-quadrupole effects in soft-x-ray photoemission
Electro-Optical Nanotraps for Neutral Atoms
Electrodynamic trapping of spinless neutral atoms with an atom chip
Electromagnetic modes of Maxwell fisheye lens
Electromagnetic transitions of the helium atom in superstrong magnetic fields
Electromagnetically induced absorption in magneto-optically trapped atoms
Electromagnetically induced left-handedness in a dense gas of three level atoms
Electromagnetically induced transparency at high optical power
Electromagnetically induced transparency for x rays
Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in 6Li