Experimental determination of the $6s^2 ^1S_0 -> 5d6s ^3 D_1$ magnetic-dipole transition amplitude in atomic ytterbium
Experimental evidence of dynamical localization and delocalization in a quasi-periodic driven system
Experimental Evidence of the Competition Between Resonant and Non-resonant Paths in Two-Photon Ionization by Extreme Ultraviolet Free Electron Laser Pulses
Experimental investigation of optical atom traps with a frequency jump
Experimental Investigation of the Dark Pseudoresonance on the D1 Line of the 87Rb Atom Excited by a Linearly Polarized Field
Experimental investigation of ultracold atom-molecule collisions
Experimental ionization of atomic hydrogen with few-cycle pulses
Experimental isotope shifts of the 5 $^2S_{1/2}$ state and low-lying excited states of Rb
Experimental observation of carrier-envelope phase effects by multicycle pulses
Experimental observation of high-order quantum accelerator modes
Experimental Photoionization Cross-Section Measurements in the Ground and Metastable State Threshold Region of Se+
Experimental Plan to Verify the YPCP Model: "Yukawa Pico Chemistry and Physics" Implications in the CF-Lenr Field
Experimental preparation of pure superposition states of atoms via elliptically polarized bichromatic radiation
Experimental Realization of an Optical One-Way Barrier for Neutral Atoms
Experimental Realization of Quantum-Resonance Ratchets
Experimental single-impulse magnetic focusing of launched cold atoms
Experimental study of laser detected magnetic resonance based on atomic alignment
Experimental study of nonlinear focusing in a magneto-optical trap using a Z-scan technique
Experimental study of the Ca2 1S+1S asymptote
Experimental study of vapor-cell magneto-optical traps for efficient trapping of radioactive atoms