Vacuum state and Schwarzschild solution in ten-dimensional gravity
Vacuum Ultraviolet Absorption of Dense Plasmas with Resonance Series of Be, b, c, n, Mg, Al, and SI
Vacuum ultraviolet molecular nitrogen photoabsorption cross sections for planetary atmospheric transmission models
Valence of titanium and vanadium in pyroxene in refractory inclusion interiors and rims
Valence state and spin transitions of iron in Earth's mantle silicates
Validating and Tuning Physical Models With Multiple Data Sources (Invited)
Validating land cover maps with Degree Confluence Project information
Validating the Communication/Navigation Outage Forecasting System (C/NOFS) Algorithms Using Data from the COSMIC Campaigns
Validating the Communications/Navigation Outage Forecasting System (C/NOFS) algorithms using data from the COSMIC campaigns
Validating the NSCAT winds in the vicinity of the Pacific Intertropical Convergence Zone
Validation and characterization of Kepler exoplanet candidates with Warm Spitzer
Validation and Implementation of Neutral Density Models for Space Weather Forecast Laboratory
Validation Database Based Thermal Analysis of an Advanced RPS Concept
Validation of ACE-FTS stratospheric ozone profiles against Odin/OSIRIS measurements
Validation of ENVISAT atmospheric data with the University of Bonn lidar at the Esrange
Validation of geometry of the Sodium Exposure Test Cell
Validation of GOMOS (GOPR 6.0A) and SCIAMACHY (V5.1/2.1) O3 and NO2 Products with GOME (V3.0 and IUP Retrievals), HALOE (V19) and SAGE II (6.2)
Validation of GOMOS-Envisat vertical profiles of O3, NO2, NO3, and aerosol extinction using balloon-borne instruments and analysis of the retrievals
Validation of MIPAS CH4 Profiles by Stratospheric Balloon, Aircraft, Satellite and Ground Based Measurements
Validation of ocean tide models around Antarctica using onshore GPS and gravity data