Phase chemistry of Apollo 14 soil sample 14259
Phase Coherent Observations and Millisecond Pulsar Searches
Phase composition and crystallochemical characteristics of pyroxenes from Vetluga eucrite breccia in connection with the formation conditions of ordinary eucrites
Phase composition and structure of Fe-Ni alloys in a unique Antarctic meteorite Yamato 791694
Phase control of a two-photon transition with shaped femtosecond laser-pulse sequences
Phase Curve of Lunar Color Ratio
Phase curves of materials on Io - Interpretation in terms of Hapke's function
Phase Decomposition in the Fe-rich Fe-Ni-S System from 900 Degrees C to 300 Degrees C--Application to Meteoritic Metal
Phase Diagram in Asteroidal Motion
Phase diagram of H2O: Thermodynamic functions of the phase transitions of high-pressure ices
Phase diagram of the three dimensional Thirring model - A Monte Carlo study
Phase diagrams describing solid-gas equilibria in the system Fe-Mg-Si-O-C-H, and its bearing on redox states of chondrites
Phase Diagrams of Iron Rich Alloys and Their Influence on the Chemical Structure of Planetary Cores
Phase equilibria in the system CO2-H2O I: New equilibrium relations at low temperatures
Phase equilibria modelling applied to fluid inclusions: Liquid-vapour equilibria and calculation of the molar volume in the CO 2 ---CH 4 ---N 2 system
Phase Equilibria of Sn-Co-Ni System and Interfacial Reactions in Sn/(Co, Ni) Couples
Phase II of the Small Main-Belt Asteroid Spectroscopic SurveyThe Observations
Phase locking to a LISA arm: first results on a hardware model
Phase mask coronagraphy: use of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer for achromatic four-quadrant phase masks
Phase mixing of shear Alfven waves in a line-tied X-point geometry