Galactic center molecular clouds. I - Spatial and spatial-velocity maps
Galactic Cepheid abundances (Andrievsky+, 2002)
Galactic Chemical Evolution & the Hot Star-H II Region Connection in M33
Galactic clusters with associated Cepheid variables. 4: C2128+488 (Anon. Platais) and V1726 Cygni
Galactic clusters with associated Cepheid variables. II - NGC 129 and DL Cassiopeiae
Galactic cosmic ray neon isotopic abundances measured on ACE
Galactic cosmic ray transport in the three-dimensional heliosheath
Galactic cosmic ray variations: monitoring and forecasting of radiation hazard for aircrafts
Galactic cosmic rays and the knee - Results from the KASCADE experiment
Galactic cosmic rays in a finite solar cavity
Galactic cosmic rays in the heliosphere
Galactic cosmic rays with energy less than 1 TeV/amu
Galactic distribution of Cepheids between L of approximately 294 and 331 deg
Galactic e+-e- annihilation line radiation
Galactic Effects of the Cosmic-Ray Gas
Galactic Evolution of D and 3He
Galactic evolution of D and He-3
Galactic Fountains, Galaxy Infall, and the Dark Matter Content of NGC 891
Galactic Fountains, Galaxy Infall, and the Dark Matter Content of NGC 891
Galactic Fountains, Galaxy Infall, and the Dark Matter Content of NGC 891