Multidimensional semicircular limits on the free Wigner chaos
Multidimensional Shintani zeta functions and zeta distributions on R^d
Multidimensional Yamada-Watanabe theorem and its applications
Multifractal analysis in a mixed asymptotic framework
Multifractal analysis of Lévy fields
Multifractal analysis of magnetic field fluctuations inferred Cluster and solar wind measurements: Evidence for intermittent turbulence in the plasma sheet and solar wind.
Multifractal analysis of the galaxy distribution: Reliability of results from finite data sets
Multifractal processes and self-organized criticality in the large-scale structure of the universe
Multifractal properties of snapshot attractors of random maps
Multifractal spectra and precise rates of decay in homogeneous fragmentation
Multifractional, multistable, and other processes with prescribed local form
Multigraph limit of the dense configuration model and the preferential attachment graph
Multigraph limits and exchangeability
Multilevel Monte Carlo algorithms for Lévy-driven SDEs with Gaussian correction
Multimodality of the Markov binomial distribution
Multimuons events and primary composition
Multiparticle statistical model of the solar wind
Multiplanet System Detection and Estimation Using Astrometry and Radial Velocity Measurements
Multiple equilibria of nonhomogeneous Markov chains and self-validating web rankings
Multiple G-Itô integral in the G-expectation space