Seasonal changes in Titan's meteorology
Seasonal transmission potential and activity peaks of the new influenza A(H1N1): a Monte Carlo likelihood analysis based on human mobility
Seawater carbonate ion-δ13C systematics and application to glacial interglacial North Atlantic ocean circulation
Second look at the spread of epidemics on networks
Second-Order Catalytic Quasispecies Yields First-Order Phase Transition
Sediment cycles on Mars in resonance with Earth
Sedimentary rocks in our mouth: dental pulp stones made by nanobacteria
Seed design framework for mapping SOLiD reads
Seekers of Life Below the Surface of Mars
Seeking Contact: The Relevance of Human History
Seeking organic compounds on Mars : in situ analysis of organic compounds by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry on MOMA experiment
Segmentation of DNA sequences into twostate regions and melting fork regions
Segmenting DNA sequence into `words' based on statistical language model
Selected-fit versus induced-fit protein binding: Kinetic differences and mutational analysis
Selection Against Demographic Stochasticity in Age-Structured Populations
Selection for smaller brains in Holocene human evolution
Selective advantage for multicellular replicative strategies: A two-cell example
Selective advantage for sexual reproduction with random haploid fusion
Selective Constraints on Amino Acids Estimated by a Mechanistic Codon Substitution Model with Multiple Nucleotide Changes
Selective control of the apoptosis signaling network in heterogeneous cell populations